Local businesses depend on effective marketing strategies to attract clients and expand their client base. Here are four marketing strategies you should consider implementing today to increase your business’s reach and revenue.
Send Out Cards
While this marketing strategy may seem old-fashioned, it’s one of the most useful forms of communicating with clients and prospects. Send out cards to show appreciation and add a personal touch. A handwritten card sends the message that you care enough about the customer’s needs and concerns to take the time to reach out with a personal message.
You’re not limited to sending plain Jane notes, either. When you use quality materials, creative designs, and a personalized handwritten message, you’ll dramatically increase the percentage of recipients who will open the card and read it versus those who toss it without a second glance. Using this marketing strategy is a simple way to connect and reconnect with your client base while enticing new customers to learn what your business has to offer.
Participate in Local Events
If you want to draw attention to your business, consider participating in a local event organized by community businesses or even hosting your own event. These types of events give potential customers an opportunity to see your products, find out about your services, and ask any questions in a face-to-face, customer-friendly environment.
Provide an inviting atmosphere and food and drinks to entice potential buyers to stay longer. Include promotional items for them to take away (such as discount coupons on products or services) and useful advertising items (like t-shirts, pens, key chains, or paperweights) that display your company name, phone number, address, website, and email address.
Send Snail Mail
With the increase in email, cell phone, and text message communications, some businesses may believe that the art of sending an actual piece of mail has become a thing of the past. But following this line of thinking may mean you miss a valuable opportunity to stand out from the crowd while also targeting your audience.
Consider sending personalized snail mail to market your company, like a postcard with a special offer or an invitation to an upcoming event. You could even send out a quarterly or a monthly magazine or newsletter that includes information, pictures, prices, and more about your products and services.
Engage in Content Marketing
Most business owners have heard the words “content marketing” but may not realize the value of having a content marketing platform that can increase their customer base.
Through content marketing, your company will publish up-to-date information designed with customer convenience in mind. Create and offer a variety of content that promotes your company in an informative and easy-to-understand format, such as blogs, videos, infographics, photos, social media, PDFs, and slide shows.
To establish or support your relationship with clients and potential customers, consider using a range of marketing strategies that includes old and new techniques. They can effectively enhance your business’s presence, persona, productivity, and profit.
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