Many companies turn to mystery shopping programs to find out how their customers and clients are being treated by their employees. Implementing mystery shoppers into your business helps you to see how successful your company is in providing good products and services to others. That being said, …
Employee Performance Articles and Interviews (tag)
5 Tips to Manage Employees in Business
No business can become profitable without a well-planned management. This applies to both small local shops and big online companies such as BetChan or Netflix. Managing employees is the hardest and most essential thing. To achieve great results in this process, follow these rules. Results …
10 Ways to Reduce Employee Theft
Employee theft is among the severe issues small business proprietors are facing these days. According to the NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business), a worker is 15 times more likely to steal from an employer than a non-employee. Employees are responsible for an estimated 44% of losses in …
Tips To Improve Workplace Productivity
Productivity in the workplace is essential for any business. It’s what’s needed to get through the working day and to make sure that your staff is working effectively to get everything done. There are always ways that workplace productivity can be influenced and improved. So here are some tips to …
5 Methods of Enhancing Office Focus
One of the biggest misconceptions of the business world is the idea that office focus is somehow an individual issue for each employee to handle on their own. Sure, some people are more easily distracted than others, but suggesting that outside influences have no say in this matter is simply …
8 In-House Growth Tactics That Will Improve Business Productivity
The success of any business lies in the people who operate at the heart of it—the employees. When a company runs like a well-oiled machine and the team is happy, productivity levels will soar and your business will reach new heights. Revamp your company culture today by following these 8 simple …