Whether your legal practice is long-established or you’re just starting up, in today’s highly competitive market for legal services, it’s not enough to sit and wait for clients to come to you. Effective marketing is essential to the growth and success of any business offering legal services. Below we consider some of the approaches you can follow to create campaigns that work.
Create Your Marketing Toolkit
Before embarking on any new marketing initiative, consider the tools you already have in place. Business name – sure. But what about your logo, color, and style palette to create a consistent look? Have you already identified a clear set of values that your practice stands for? Do you have well-written and engaging bios for all partners? Getting your branding right will ensure any potential clients you attract will have a clear idea about how you’ll work to help solve their problems.
Identify Your Client’s Persona
Next, identify your ideal client. Create a ‘persona‘ for each client niche: the demographic profile, typical legal issues, budget range, etc. This will be invaluable when making decisions about how and where you’re going to focus your efforts.
Create a Great Website
If you’re considering an upgrade to your existing website, attract more visitors by ensuring it includes specific SEO for lawyers. This helps drive traffic to your site, but to impress potential clients it also needs to be fast, easy to navigate, and secure. Offer details about each area of expertise on the ‘Services’ page, and make it clear how qualified and experienced your team are on the ‘About Us’ or ‘Our Story’ pages. Include testimonials, a blog, and perhaps an FAQ page to engage visitors and keep them interested in learning more about your firm.
Increase Presence on Social Media
Your potential clients, like most people, spend hours checking social media. This means you can reach your client demographic via targeted ads and a well-controlled budget. You’ll be able to measure the response to each campaign, ramp it up if the response is positive, and, if something isn’t working, stop it immediately and incur no further costs.
However, posting ads will only take you so far. Leverage your social media pages to engage your followers in conversations, publish testimonials, and comment on relevant topics, so your posts get shared to grow your profile.
Raise Your Profile
Raise your firm’s profile even higher by contributing blog posts to platforms such as Linkedin and other relevant websites regularly. This helps to drive traffic to your website, as well as branding you as the go-to expert in specific legal areas.
Take any opportunity to appear at live business events related to an area of your practice as people will be happy to do business with an acknowledged thought leader.
Improve Your Listing
When people are looking to connect with a law firm, they’ll likely do so via a Google search or a business directory. When did you last do a search for your firm? Give it a try, and if you don’t appear high on the list of results, you’ll be losing out. It’s essential, so address this issue immediately.
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