Whether you’re creating your website, devising emails to promote your special deals, or posting to a variety of social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, the words you choose matter. They help your customer base formulate an opinion about you, so you want their opinion to be not only accurate, but enticing. You want them to see your company and say, “Where have you been all my life? I want to do business with you and you only.”
How do you create content that gets them to be this loyal, entering into a marriage of sorts that is “til death do us part”? Easy. You adhere to the three keys of creating effective marketing content.
Key #1
The first key to marketing success is to help your customers get to know you. They need to know what makes you tick and how you interact with the world. The more they understand you, the more they will connect with you. Essentially, they must recognize you as a living, breathing human being and not just a building with four walls.
To achieve this, you want to include a little bit of personality in your business content. If you’re kind of witty in person, be witty in writing. If you have an odd side to you, let it out in your ads or posts. Your customer base can’t fall in love with you if they have no idea who you are.
I use personal stories in my content all of the time. For instance, just this morning I posted on my Facebook page about dealing with a bat in the middle of the night. It has nothing to do with my writings, or about motivating my readers, but the response was tremendous because people could connect with what I was going through.
Key #2
The second key to creating effective marketing content is to create words that help your customers like you. You want them to see you as the close personal friend that they go to when they are in trouble, not the annoying family member that they try to avoid at every reunion and anniversary party.
One very effective way to reach this goal is to offer your clients and potential clients a solution to their problem without asking them to pay for it. In other words, give them a little bit of information so they don’t feel like you’re just after their wallet.
For instance, if you are a plumber, put an article on your website that tells them how to fix a minor faucet leak by themselves. Give them just enough information to do something simple and they will come to you when they need help with bigger projects or when they are beyond their comfort level and don’t want to do it on their own.
Key #3
The third key to creating marketing content that sells is to come up with blogs, articles, and posts that get your potential customer base to trust you. Trust is the basis of all relationships, and a business/client relationship is no different.
You will increase their trust factor tremendously if you are willing to give them the good, the bad, and the ugly about whatever it is that you’re writing about. If you try to paint a picture that everything is always rainbows and puppy dogs, they’re going to know your blowing smoke because everything has a negative side.
However, if you are honest about the negatives, they’ll appreciate your candor and be more likely to trust everything else you say. You’ll become more of a mentor or advisor, making it easier to get them to buy into your product or service not only now, but for a lifetime.
Yes, when you can get your clients to know, like, and trust you with the content that you create, you will have a customer for as long as you choose to keep your doors open!
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