Optimizing your sales process is sensible, especially if there are any imperfections. If this is the case, your entire organization will be missing out on much needed income.
Of course knowing what problems to look out for is half the battle, so here are a handful of the main mistakes companies make so that you can fix them sooner rather than later.
Salespeople Struggle to Close Deals
Pushiness is an outdated sales strategy, yet one which all too many agents attempt to use when they are desperate to close a deal, especially if it seems like the sale is slipping away from them.
This is in part because modern consumers are more clued-in and capable of researching products and services thoroughly themselves. So, rather than aiming to corner them into committing to a transaction, it is better to cater to their needs before the conversation even begins.
Arming your sales team with the information they need to do just that is clearly important. With a mobile sales enablement process in place, you can empower your salespeople to meet the expectations of prospective customers and create a tailored experience, rather than one which relies on brute force.
Online Lead Generation Is Underwhelming
Your digital sales strategy needs to be closely aligned with your overarching sales processes. You can pinpoint problems here if you find that your site is getting plenty of traffic, but the proportion of visitors who convert into customers is below average.
This indicates that there is a disconnect between what users expect to find on your site, and what they are actually presented with when they click through. It could come down to everything from misleading ad copy to bland and generic content, so analyzing visitor behavior to see what might be the root cause is sensible.
Trust in Your Brand Is Limited
Up and coming companies and small businesses can have a hard time winning over prospects because most people like to have a certain degree of trust in a brand before they buy. If you are starting from scratch, then this is obviously something you need to build up quickly.
Once again, you have a few options available to you if you are eager to establish your brand as reputable and trustworthy. Creating a presence on social media, monitoring for brand mentions, and interacting directly with customers on these platforms is an effective tactic.
This also leads to the idea that it pays to make sure that your sales team and your marketing professionals are able to work closely together, since a unified effort to build a trustworthy brand is better and more efficient than one which is fragmented.
Overdoing it with Discounts
While it might be a good idea to give salespeople the power to deliver discounts to customers in order to convince them to buy, this can create a vicious cycle in which reduced prices will be expected indefinitely, and your profits can suffer as a result.
Instead of taking this approach, why not allow agents to offer better value at the original price point, if possible. This will give the customer the impression that they are getting a good deal, without planting the seed of discount-seeking into their minds for future interactions.
Lacking Urgency
Making a quick sale is often about ensuring that there is some kind of time limit on what you are offering to customers, and yet lots of businesses still overlook this opportunity.
If your sales team can motivate prospects with deals that have an expiry date of some kind, you can inject this urgency, even if it is ultimately artificial.
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