It’s so easy to say you’ll do something in a meeting or on the phone. But very few people actually follow through. I understand that nobody’s perfect, but why do so many people make a promise then moments later just completely drop the ball?
Providing consistent follow through, even on the most basic of tasks, is a huge part of your brand. It’s the difference between being seen as a dependable partner or a flake. People tend to judge themselves on their intentions, but others on their actions, so you need to realize that your clients or customers notice every time you miss a deadline. They don’t necessarily care that you have a good excuse or that you were “swamped.” If you actually are busy, set reasonable deadlines for yourself and don’t make promises you can’t keep.
Whether you’re a solopreneur startup or an established organization, setting and meeting expectations starts with doing what you say. So do your best to make good on every word.