There is a lot more to logo designs than meets the eye. The color, font, and shape of a business logo have certain associations that influence how a customer perceives your business. When you consider that 93% of purchasing judgments are made on visual perceptions, the important of choosing an appropriate logo for your business becomes all the more important.
As a small business, you may not have access to the large marketing firms that developed the logos for some of the Fortune 500 companies listed in the infographic, but you can use the information here to guide your logo designer toward what you want your logo to say about your business. If you already have a logo in place, the information contained in this infographic can help you determine if your current logo is communicating what your business stands for, or if it might be time for a design change.
Credit: Chris Landry is the Managing Director at Colourfast, an international paper and plastic card printer.
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